ONE MONTH PASS-unlimited classes

Join up to 3 classes a week and Save 17%

Practise yoga in the comfort of your own home. My classes focus on working within your own comfortable limit so that you gradually gain physical strength and flexibility, mental clarity and emotional serenity.  There is an emphasis on alignment, breath awareness, observation without judgment and working with sensitivity.

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Ann Reilly Yoga: One month pass, unlimited online classes.

Thank you for purchasing a one month Pass. Buying a monthly package is a great way to commit to a regular practice. Your pass will expire one month from today and within that time you can join as many of my regular online classes as you like. 

Tuesdays 10am-11am 

Thursdays 9.45-10.45am

Saturdays 11.00am-12 noon

Your zoom links will be emailed to you a couple of days before each class

My online classes are open to all levels with an emphasis on what is comfortable for you. 

Before starting each class, find a space that feels comfortable and quiet for you so that you can really dedicate your full attention to your practice and enjoy a deep relaxation before getting on with your day.  This time will be strengthening, nourishing, soothing, calming, and lessen any anxiety we may be experiencing during this challenging time.

Yoga has wonderful health benefits and is a powerful therapeutic and healing tool to use in our daily life.  If you are new to yoga and are unsure of your physical health you can always consult your Doctor or please contact me if there are any concerns you would like to discuss.

I look forward to seeing you on your mat and hope you will feel energised and uplifted.

Best Wishes,  Ann

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